Order Notifications
When a customer places an order, you will receive an email notification with complete order details and a link to the order on your store’s dashboard. You will also receive a WhatsApp message with complete order details directly from your customer (if the customer’s device has WhatsApp enabled). Alternatively, you can click on the phone number in the order email (or order details in dashboard) to open WhatsApp and chat with the customer directly.
Collecting Payments
If the payment method is Pay Later, you are responsible for collecting payments via your Wallets (PayTM, GPay, etc), UPI, NetBanking or Cash on Delivery—whatever your chosen mode of payment is, once the order is placed.
Handling Delivery
We do not handle delivery. We give you the option to decide your own delivery charges. You can charge variable delivery amounts—by Pin Code or by Distance as required—you are responsible to fulfil the order delivery.
Order Status
You can update the status of your orders as you process them in your store’s dashboard for your reference. Mark pending orders as accepted or rejected, and mark them completed when fulfilled.